Background on The W Group Sample Surveys
The W Group, trusted by municipalities, is the leading Canadian municipal survey research service. We specialize in supporting individual municipal staff with their survey research needs.
Surveys by The W Group can provide full service support from helping to define survey research objectives all the way through to report preparation.
Including but not limited to:
A review of your survey against industry best practices and municipal filters.
Survey design, programming, management, and deployment.
Data analysis and tailored reports.
Panel development and management.
Project page or portal to maximize community engagement.
The W Group can help you gain the insights you need, skip the software learning curve, meet tight deadlines with quick turnarounds, all for less than you think. In most cases, without the need for an RFP.
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Need support with a survey?
Schedule a Discovery Call with Kent Waugh
Managing Partner and Municipal Survey Research Expert
No Obligation